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Sink Drain Clog

Have you noticed your bathroom sink draining slower than it used to? You may notice it when you are washing your hands or brushing your teeth in the morning. It’s kind of gross isn’t it? The water just sits there in your sink as you continue to spit out your rinse water into a standing puddle of dirty water. Sorry for the visual, its just that we’ve all been there. The problem most likely is a drain blockage and needs a drain cleaning. There are a few reasons why you may have a clogged drain . The usual culprits are soap, makeup, hair, toothpaste, food particles, etc. It doesn’t take much for these items to get together and throw a standing room only party in your drain resulting in standing water in your sink. The same thing happens in your kitchen sink drain even if you have a garbage disposal. Sometimes these drains can be cleared with some simple drain cleaner, other times it is necessary to put the drain cleaner to the side and call the local plumbing professionals with years of experience to perform plumbing services and to unclog drains ensuring proper drain flow.

Shower Drain Cleaning

Are you noticing that when you take a shower you start to hear the water as if it is in stereo? You look down and see the water starting to accumulate by your feet. The shower water is falling on the accumulating water and producing an unusual echoing sound. The water is still rising around your feet and you turn around to look at your shower drain and your footsteps are now splashing when you move around in the shower. You wonder if your drain pipes are even working. What I have just described is a symptom of a blocked shower drain, and it can be a bit disorienting. Some of the culprits are the same as the sink drain clog, hair and soap. But if your shower stall is a tub/shower combination then…well it can be all kinds of small objects especially if you have kids. Small toys, toilet paper, wash clothes, lego pieces, you name it can end up down a bathtub/shower drain. If your shower drains slow, don’t put up with that slow drain any longer. Contact Klamath Falls Plumbers about our drain cleaning services today! 

Washing Machine Drain Clog

We take many of our home appliances for granted. Can you imagine explaining to our ancestors that we do not have to hand wash our clothes daily and that all we have to do is throw them in metal box and it will clean all the clothes inside of an hour! According to some studies the average American family does about 8-10 loads of laundry per week. Wow! With this appliance getting so much usage, when it breaks down, it is going to be a problem. Are you noticing water on the floor near or behind the washing machine? Or when you are doing a load of laundry, you notice your kitchen sink backing up? You might have a drain clog that needs drain cleaning. Usually the laundry room and kitchen share the same drain. So if there is a blockage caused from the kitchen drain then it may be effecting your laundry room drainage. Either way if you are noticing water where it shouldn’t be call Klamath Falls Plumbing today and ask about our drain cleaning services. We unclog drains!

Drain Cleaning & Sewer Cleaning Services

The good news is with all of the scenarios described above, clogged drains and can usually be fixed quickly by a professional plumber. General local blockages like a toilet drain blockage are easy for plumbers to diagnose and remedy. Even if your drain cleaner doesn’t work, we’ve got a few tools in our arsenal for clearing your sewer line and drain blockages. The most common tool for drain cleaning and sewer cleaning is the drain auger aka the plumber’s snake. The plumbers’ snake come in two varieties manual and motorized. The plumber’s snake is good at clearing a specific blockage like a small build up or foreign object in the drain. But if your drain is backing up on a consistent basis it might be time to bring out the big guns. The Hydro-Jetting Machine. Essentially it is pressure washing the inside of your pipes removing years, maybe even decades in some cases, of grime and build up. This will have your drains clean and plumbing pipes flowing freely again. Best practice is to run a video scope down the drain and sewer line checking for damaged or compromised pipes. We want to make sure the high pressure water from the Hydro-Jetting Machine will not damage the plumbing pipes further. Call now to talk with a technician about our drain cleaning services. Also ask us about our septic tank and sewer cleaning services.

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